Funny Parenting Memes

25 Funniest Parenting Memes And Tweets This Week

Funniest Parenting Tweets Of The Week

Welcome to another edition of “parents just barely making it,” better known as, “the funniest tweets and memes of the week.”

Two significant things happened in my life in the span of twenty minutes this week. I talk about those experiences in detail on the most recent episode of my podcast.

Here’s the TL;DR version: in a span of twenty minutes the kids and I witnessed a major accident on the highway right before our eyes and I got a phone call from my biggest freelance client saying due to “budget cuts” that, well, you can figure out the rest.

I’ll be fine. I hope everyone involved in the accident was fine.

I retold these events to my co-host on my other podcast, and said how I’m actually alright with losing the job because it frees up a ton of time for personal projects. She asked me a really great question – “would you have taken the layoff as well if you didn’t witness the horrific accident just moments before.”

I still don’t have the answer to that question. Witnessing the accident was a stark reminder to stop sweating the small, uncontrollable stuff.

I wasn’t having the best morning because the kids are on Spring Break and I couldn’t get any work done because they had nothing to do and were on my ass looking for stuff to do.

An SUV smashing into a guardrail at a high rate of speed and spinning out of control was a visual reminder that no finishing an article about professional wrestling isn’t the worst thing in the world.

This is my long-winded way of saying that life can change INSTANTLY and take things moment by moment.

Also, maybe stick to the side roads once in a while. Seems much safer.

(Takes off Debbie Downer pants. Puts on fun dad pants)

How about some funny tweets and memes, huh?!?!

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