Funny Parenting Memes

35 Funniest Parenting Memes + Tweets This Week

Funniest Parenting Tweets Of The Week

Welcome to another edition of “parents just barely making it,” better known as, “the funniest tweets and memes of the week.”

Here’s a fun little moment from last weekend. We’re waiting for the oldest kid’s soccer game to start. The three of us are kicking around a ball. The ball rolls past me and towards a couple sitting with their dog.

The guy stops the ball, goes to kick it back to me, and looks up and goes “Chris?” We were both startled at the moment. He was surprised to see me at the field and I was shocked because I’m forty minutes from home and didn’t imagine running into anyone I knew.

His name is Kevin. He’s a former semi-pro basketball player. He’s 6’10. I’m 5’7.

After talking for about a minute, the youngest walks over and goes “Dad, do you know him?” and I explain that yes, I do.

She pauses and says, “Ok because you look like a crumb standing next to him.”

Let’s get on with the tweets and memes…


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